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With the official publication, entered into force on December 5 2013, DM Development on "Mode incentive of biomethane injected into the natural gas grid." Here are the main points of the Decree.

Access to transport networks and distribution of natural gas and the thermal distribution of natural gas for vehicles. In accordance with Article 20 of Decree No. 28/2011, the Authority should have long since enact "specific directives with regard to technical and economic conditions for the provision of the service connection of plants producing biomethane to natural gas networks whose operators are required to connect third parties. "

Until now it has only initiated the process for the formation of these measures, by resolution ARG / gas 120 / 11dell'8 September 2011 (see References). The new decree stipulates that, pending the specific regulation AEEG, meanwhile you can apply the provisions contained in the following texts:
• Internal DM April 16, 2008 "Technical regulation for the design, construction, testing, operation and supervision of works and distribution systems and direct lines for natural gas with a density greater than 0.8"
• Internal DM April 17, 2008 "Technical regulation for the design, construction, testing, operation and supervision of works and installations of transport of natural gas with a density greater than 0.8"
• DM development February 17, 2007 "Approval of the technical regulation on the physico-chemical characteristics and the presence of other components in the fuel gas to be pumped."

Encouragement of biomethane entered in transport networks and distribution of natural gas. The incentive, paid for a period of 20 years, is equal to the difference between:
• double the annual average price of natural gas, found in 2012 in the balancing market for natural gas operated by the GME.
• the average monthly price of natural gas, found in each month of release found in the balancing market for natural gas operated by the GME.
As an alternative to this incentive, and is limited to plants with a production capacity of up to 500 standard cubic meters / hour, the manufacturer can opt for the withdrawal of biomethane by the GSE at a price equal to twice the average annual price of natural gas, found in 2012 in the balancing market for natural gas operated by the GME.

In both cases, the incentive is modulated by the following methods:
  • increased by 10% for plants with capacity up to 500 standard cubic meters / hour
  • remains unchanged for plant production capacity from 501 to 1000 standard cubic meters / hour
• reduced by 10% for plants with a production capacity over 1000 standard cubic meters / hour.
If biomethane is produced exclusively by-products (Table 1A DM July 6, 2012) and waste, the incentive is increased by 50%.

Biomethane used in transport after injection into the natural gas grid.
Biomethane entered by the creator in the natural gas grid and used for transport is stimulated by the release, the person who enters into consumption in transport, for a period of 20 years, of certificates in release for consumption of biofuels (DM Mipaaf April 29, 2008, n. 110).

And expected an increase of the incentive (art. 33, paragraph 5 of Legislative Decree 28/2011) in the event that biomethane is produced by:
• biodegradable fraction of waste after recycling
• by-products referred to in paragraph 5 of Article 33-ter of Dlgs28 / 2011, has not shown any utility production or sales outside of their use for the production of fuels or energy purposes
• algae and non-food materials (Table 1B DM July 6, 2012)
• products listed in Table 1A of DM July 6 2012. Biomethane used in plants for high efficiency cogeneration Biomethane entered into natural gas networks and used in facilities approved to GSE of high efficiency cogeneration is encouraged by the recognition of tariffs for electrical production from biogas, provided by Dm July 6, 2012.

The systems that access this incentive are subject to the terms and conditions of the Dm July 6, 2012, including procedures for Auctions and Registers.

It 's possible to use biomethane in a different site than the production site and transported through the natural gas grid.

Conversion to the production of biomethane from biogas plants existing.
If biomethane is produced by existing plants biogas, landfill gas, residual gas from purification processes and, after the entry into force of the decree, are converted wholly or partially (also as a result of increased production capacity) production biomethane, the incentive is recognized equal:
  • 40% of that same new plant for biomethane entered in transport networks and distribution of natural gas and biomethane used in systems of high efficiency cogeneration
• 70% for biomethane used in transport.

Other provisions.
The producer, to access to incentives must be first to qualify the facility by the GSE, through a special procedure.

By 16 February 2014, the Authority for Electricity and Gas will issue some orders implementing the decree and related, among other things, to the measurement of biomethane injected into the network and the way in where resources for the incentive will cover tariffs natural gas transportation.
In turn, within 60 days from the release date of the last of the measures mentioned above or from the date of publication - if next - guidelines for biomethane by Italian Heat Technology Committee, the GSE publishes the application procedures for the request and the release of the incentives within its competence.

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